NWPharmaTech’s expert team combines academic research, cutting-edge technology and clinical development to bring to market new drug formulations targeting mental health conditions.
These therapeutic interventions will support a return to homeostasis, empowering patients to lead longer and healthier lives.
Initial Target Indications – Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders
We are advancing to Phase IIB trials in our lead indicaiton of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis, as well as Phase IIA/B trials elsewhere within the CNS space.
Our patented drug delivery technology unlocks superior bioavailability and thus better therapeutic potential and lower COGS.
We are advancing to Phase IIB trials in our lead indicaiton of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis, as well as Phase IIA/B trials elsewhere within the CNS space.
We are a driven team of specialists, committed to advancing research in Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders. Our team has experience across multiple sectors – pharmaceutical operations, research and development, intellectual property, marketing and finance – and is based in the UK, Europe and North America.